National Reined Cow Horse Snaffle Bit Futurity ~ Limited Open Finalist (2020) National Reined Cow Horse Snaffle Bit Futurity ~ Level 1 Reserve Champion (2020) Red Steagall Invitational ~ Champion Header (2019)
National Reined Cow Horse Snaffle Bit Futurity ~ Limited Open Finalist (2020) National Reined Cow Horse Snaffle Bit Futurity ~ Level 1 Reserve Champion (2020) Red Steagall Invitational ~ Champion Header (2019)
Colorado Reined Cow Horse Futurity ~ Limited Open Champion & L1 Champion (2019) Red Steagall Invitational ~ Reserve Champion Heeler (2016) Life Time Achievement of Excellence ~ Monty Roberts (2016)
Colorado Reined Cow Horse Futurity ~ Limited Open Champion & L1 Champion (2019) Red Steagall Invitational ~ Reserve Champion Heeler (2016) Life Time Achievement of Excellence ~ Monty Roberts (2016)
Recipient of the Traveler Award presented by AQHA (2015) Recipient of the Jack Brainard Award (2015) World Champion of Road To The Horse (2015) National Cutting Horse Association ~ Open Futurity Finalist (2014)
Recipient of the Traveler Award presented by AQHA (2015) Recipient of the Jack Brainard Award (2015) World Champion of Road To The Horse (2015) National Cutting Horse Association ~ Open Futurity Finalist (2014)
Colorado Reined Cow Horse Futurity ~ Limited Open Champion & L1 Champion (2019) Red Steagall Invitational ~ Reserve Champion Heeler (2016) Life Time Achievement of Excellence ~ Monty Roberts (2016)
Colorado Reined Cow Horse Futurity ~ Limited Open Champion & L1 Champion (2019) Red Steagall Invitational ~ Reserve Champion Heeler (2016) Life Time Achievement of Excellence ~ Monty Roberts (2016)
Chris Cox
National Cutting Horse Association ~ Limited Open Futurity Finalist (2014) Perry Di Loreto Invitational Team Roping ~ Reserve Champion (2014) United States Team Roping Association Invitational # 12 Reserve Champion (2014)
National Cutting Horse Association ~ Limited Open Futurity Finalist (2014) Perry Di Loreto Invitational Team Roping ~ Reserve Champion (2014) United States Team Roping Association Invitational # 12 Reserve Champion (2014)
Southwest Reined Cow Horse ~ Limited Open Reserve Futurity Champion (2011) World Champion of Road to The Horse (2011) Perry Di Loreto Invitational Team Roping ~ Reserve Champion (2011) World Champion of Road to The Horse (2008)
Southwest Reined Cow Horse ~ Limited Open Reserve Futurity Champion (2011) World Champion of Road to The Horse (2011) Perry Di Loreto Invitational Team Roping ~ Reserve Champion (2011) World Champion of Road to The Horse (2008)
National Cutting Horse Association ~ Open Futurity Semi-Finalist (2007) National Cutting Horse Association ~ Limited Open Futurity Finalist (2007) World Champion of Road To The Horse (2007)
National Cutting Horse Association ~ Open Futurity Semi-Finalist (2007) National Cutting Horse Association ~ Limited Open Futurity Finalist (2007) World Champion of Road To The Horse (2007)
Recipient of Monty Robert's "Equitarian of the Year" (2006) Colt Starting Champion at the Equine Experience (2006) National Cutting Horse Association ~ Southern Winter Circuit 5/6 Yr. Old Open Champion (1998)
Recipient of Monty Robert's "Equitarian of the Year" (2006) Colt Starting Champion at the Equine Experience (2006) National Cutting Horse Association ~ Southern Winter Circuit 5/6 Yr. Old Open Champion (1998)
Born to a ranching family in Kissimmee, Florida, Chris’s earliest memories involved horses and his family’s life of ranching and cattle. At the age of two, his family purchased and moved to the Prince of Wales Island, a 100 square mile island off the coast of Australia. Their only transportations on the island were either the horses or the Massey Ferguson tractor.
Chris was home schooled until the second grade. He and his brothers then traveled to public school on Thursday Island. To get to the other island, they would ride their horses to the beach in the mornings, leave them in the corral for the day, take the boat to the island, come back and ride the horses back home.
As a kid, Chris competed in many different clubs and competitions. He was a member of the Pony Club and competed in camp drafting, or otherwise known as the working cow horse event. It was then, he realized, his father thought of horses in a different way than he did.
At ten years old, Chris attended a clinic held by the man who had refined horsemanship in Australia, named Lee Reborse. Reborse had plenty of skills that Chris wanted to develop as a horseman; he was a great teacher and an even better communicator with horses.
About the time he met Lee, Chris and his family moved from the island to the mainland. There, Chris worked on various ranches over the summers and during school breaks. He had even begun breaking and training many young horses. After he was bucked off a few times, he started to develop a fear. He decided then to replace that fear with knowledge, so he wouldn’t lose his passion for the horse.
After high school graduation, he attended Longreach Pastoral College in Queensland. There he met Ken May, another Reborse student. Ken also positively impacted Chris. He went on to help Ken with colt starting and horsemanship clinics, throughout college and beyond. When Chris turned 18 years old, he had saved up enough money to buy a plane ticket back to the United States. The day after landing in Florida, close to where he was born, Chris was horseback helping to gather 5,000 head of cattle. After a short while in the U.S., he traveled to Tennessee to see some of his mother’s relatives. Their neighbors dared Chris to ride their three year old Tennessee walking horse for $300. The mare was known to buck the rider and the saddle off. Within the hour, Chris was riding her.
Chris began to start and train horses professionally. In Madisonville, Texas, he began working out of a facility starting colts, training cutting horses, performing demonstrations and hosting clinics. He had also rented facilities in Geneva, Alabama and the panhandle of Florida. Florida was his big debut to being a well-known horseman. He had started a mustang at a clinic and word soon got out and to the Bureau of Land Management. They contacted Chris and wanted to watch him work. The BLM hired Chris to travel to adoption sites in different states to demonstrate how to start a mustang. He released his first instructional video in 1990, “Breaking into the Horse’s Mind".
In 1995, he bought a ranch in Ocala, Florida. Despite his new ranch, he had always felt a deep connection with Texas, because of his father having worked for the King Ranch, an ancestor fighting in the Texas Revolution, wanting to be in the middle of serious horse country and not too far from the “Cutting Horse Capital of the World”, Weatherford, Texas.
As soon as he heard that land was for sale in Texas right where he wanted it, he jumped on the opportunity. He was going to be able to build his facility from the ground up the way he wanted to in Mineral Wells, TX.
With his Chris Cox Horsemanship television show on RFD TV, the nationwide Ride the Journey Tour stops and appearances at equine expos and events, Chris has touched the lives of many a horse enthusiast and shown them there is a straight-forward, practical way to gain a better relationship with their horses.
Chris offers progressive six-day horsemanship clinics several times a year. Chris also offers nationwide three-day clinics to make it even easier for those throughout the country to get first-hand instruction directly from him.
Today, Chris is a four-time undefeated world champion of Road to the Horse, reserve champion of the Perry Dilorreto Invitational team roping, colt starting champion of Equine Experience, recipient of the Monty Roberts "Equitarian of the Year" award, competitor and breeder in the National Cutting Horse Association, reined cow horse and team roping competitor. He lives on the Diamond Double C Ranch in Weatherford with his wife Barbara and their children Charley and Case.
His program has proved to be immensely popular with people of all ages and skill levels. It requires no gimmicks or special equipment, but rather commitments to understanding the horse, devoting time, self-examination and honesty about one's own limitations.
About Chris
Chris on TV
Chris Cox Horsemanship airs three times per week on RFD-TV, the popular rural-theme television network available as a basic channel to 40 million homes. Chris's half-hour show takes an engaging, instructional, and entertaining look into true horsemanship. You will see Chris and the life of his horses, family, and business at the Diamond Double C Ranch in Weatherford, TX, as well as share his many friendships and experiences with horse owners all over the world.
Each show, no matter where it is shot or what kind of horses Chris is working with, will teach you new and insightful tips to aid you and your horse on the horsemanship journey.
DirectTV channel 345 and Dish Network channel 231, Check with your provider for network channel.
Pacific 11:00 am
Mountain 12:00 pm
Central 1:00 pm
Eastern 2:00 pm
Pacific 12:00 pm
Mountain 1:00 pm
Central 2:00 pm
Eastern 3:00 pm
Pacific 7:00 pm
Mountain 8:00 pm
Central 9:00 pm
Eastern 10:00 pm

Chris’ Accomplishments
National Reined Cow Horse Snaffle Bit Futurity Limited Open Finalist 2020
National Reined Cow Horse Snaffle Bit Futurity Level 1 Reserve Champion 2020
Red Steagall Invitational Champion Header 2019
Colorado Reined Cow Horse Futurity Limited Open Champion & L1 Champion 2019
Red Steagall Invitational Reserve Champion Heeler 2016
Life Time Achievement of Excellence Monty Roberts 2016
Recipient of the Traveler Award presented by AQHA 2015
Recipient of the Jack Brainard Award 2015
World Champion of Road To The Horse 2015
National Cutting Horse Association Open Futurity Finalist 2014
National Cutting Horse Association Limited Open Futurity Finalist 2014
Perry Di Loreto Invitational Team Roping Reserve Champion 2014
United States Team Roping Association Invitational # 12 Reserve Champion 2014
Southwest Reined Cow Horse Limited Open Reserve Futurity Champion 2011
World Champion of Road to The Horse 2011
Perry Di Loreto Invitational Team Roping Reserve Champion 2011
World Champion of Road to The Horse 2008
National Cutting Horse Association Open Futurity Semi-Finalist 2007
National Cutting Horse Association Limited Open Futurity Finalist 2007
World Champion of Road To The Horse 2007
Recipient of Monty Robert's "Equitarian of the Year" 2006
Colt Starting Champion at the Equine Experience 2006
National Cutting Horse Association Southern Winter Circuit 5/6 Yr. Old Open Champion 1998
Chris Cox Sponsors
Sponsorship Opportunities
Are you interested in aligning your business with Chris Cox, a World-Renowned Horseman with over 30 years of industry experience who has earned international respect by developing successful programs and partnerships between horse and rider?
Chris Cox offers a proven program that is immensely popular with all ages and skill levels and uses a straightforward, common-sense approach to horsemanship. The producer and host of Chris Cox Horsemanship, which airs three times weekly on RFD-TV and THE COWBOY CHANNEL offers nationwide “Ride the Journey” tour stops and holds demonstrations at Equine Expositions around the country. Cox is an undefeated FOUR-time world champion of Road to the Horse, with back-to-back wins in 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2015 competing against the top horsemen in the industry such as Pat Parelli and Clinton Anderson. Chris is a man of Integrity and exclusively uses the products and services he promotes. Chris believes in a true partnership with sponsors and before any sponsorship is attained Chris puts the products to the test to ensure a high-quality product for the equine market. It is about helping others find the value of using the same high-quality products and services that Chris Cox and his team use because he believes in them. Chris Cox offers a wide variety of direct public interaction activities that offer an unparalleled range of opportunities for corporate sponsorship. Our sponsorship platform is an opportunity to work together in promoting a brand sharing value and quality through special events, access to clinic patrons, promotions, and media. Our goal is to connect our patrons with the products or services that Chris Truly believes in.
Are you interested in joining our sponsor family? Call (940) 327-8113